Materials GroupMetals & Mineral Resources Division

主要r Products and Areas

  • Development of iron ore, coking coal, and copper mines
  • Smelting and refining of aluminum and magnesium
  • Trading of steel, steelmaking raw materials, ferroalloys, and cement-related materials
  • Trading of non-ferrous metals, ingots, and related products
  • Steel product trading and business investment
  • Leasing of temporary steel construction materials
  • Recycling of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and rare metals

Our Strengths

Roy Hill Iron Ore Project in Australia

The Roy Hill Iron Ore Project, in which Marubeni holds a 15% stake, is highly cost competitive as it owns its own mines, railroads and ports as integrated infrastructure. It has an annual production capacity of 60 million tons, one of the largest single iron mines in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. In addition to further improving the stability and efficiency of operations through remote management and automation of mining trucks, Roy Hill is also actively working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by switching to renewable energy sources. The majority of the high-quality iron ore produced at Roy Hill is sold under long-term contracts with steel companies in Japan and other Asian countries, which will continue to contribute to the Asian steelmakers through the stable supply of high quality iron ore.

  • Roy Hill Iron Mine (Australia)
    Roy Hill Iron Mine (Australia)
  • Roy Hill Iron Ore Transportation Railway (Australia)
    Roy Hill Iron Ore Transportation Railway (Australia)
  • Roy Hill Iron Ore Carrier Out-Loading at Port Headland (Australia)
    Roy Hill Iron Ore Carrier Out-Loading at Port Headland (Australia)

一个ustralian Coking Coal Business

Marubeni invests in coking coal mines in Australia. The Jellinbah East coal mine and the Lake Vermont coal mine have high cost competitiveness, and shape the core of our coal business. As the largest stakeholder of both mines, we will continue to improve the cost competitiveness of our coal project and realize sustainable profit.

  • Jellinbah East Coal Mine (Australia)
    Jellinbah East Coal Mine (Australia)
  • Lake Vermont Coal Mine (Australia)
    Lake Vermont Coal Mine (Australia)
  • Hail Creek Coal Mine (Australia)
    Hail Creek Coal Mine (Australia)

Copper mining projects in Chile

Marubeni holds a 30% stake in the Centinela and the Antucoya copper mines and a 9.21% stake in Los Pelambres copper mine, all of which are located in Chile. Marubeni operates the mines with one of the world's leading copper producers, Antofagasta PLC, to ensure a stable supply of copper, which is essential for realizing a decarbonized society. The equity volume of copper ingot from Marubeni's interest is 150 thousand tons a year (payable copper equivalent), a leading amount of worth among Japanese companies. In all of our copper mine operations, we will pursue sustainable operations with low environmental impact by switching to renewable electric power, obtaining the Copper Mark, and using remote management as well as automated mine trucks. Marubeni also aims to further increase the value of its assets through the development of deposits around the Centinela copper mine.

  • Centinela Copper Mine (Chile)
    Centinela Copper Mine (Chile)
  • 一个ntucoya Copper Mine (Chile)
    一个ntucoya Copper Mine (Chile)
  • Los Pelambres Copper Mine (Chile)
    Los Pelambres Copper Mine (Chile)

一个luminum smelting project in Canada

Marubeni holds a 13.3% stake of the Alouette Aluminum Smelter in Canada, which has the largest production capacity in North America. The aluminum smelter, which runs on hydropower, is one of the world's top three low CO2emissions smelters and also has been achieving high cost competitiveness. Through the operation of this smelter, we will also contribute to the aluminum industry, which is indispensable for the creation of a decarbonized society, through the promotion of electrification and weight reduction of vehicles, for which demand is expected to grow in the future.

  • 一个louette Smelter (Canada)
    一个louette Smelter (Canada)
  • 一个louette Smelter (Canada)
    一个louette Smelter (Canada)

Worldwide trading

By stationing employees at each of our branches, with a focus on Asia, and building an extensive global network, we are developing a wide range of trades for each product and region while accurately grasping market trends. Through the interface we have built up over the years with a variety of customers in the steelmaking, electric power, electric wire, and automobile industries, we will provide a wide range of products and high value-added services, including eco-friendly recycled materials that contribute to a circular economy, by utilizing our division's network and sales and marketing capabilities to meet consumer preferences and needs.

  • Copper Cathodes at Centinela Mine(Chile)
    Copper Cathodes at Centinela Mine (Chile)
  • 一个luminum Ingot at Boyne Smelter (Australia)
    一个luminum Ingot at Boyne Smelter (Australia)
  • Bottles made with aluminum handled by Marubeni Metals Corp.
    Bottles made with aluminum handled by Marubeni Metals Corp.

Promoting Environmental & Circular Business

In response to the needs of customers and consumers facing social issues such as decarbonization, we will promote environmental and circular businesses and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society. In addition to our existing initiatives to recycle steel scrap and non-ferrous metals, we handle carbon-neutral products, ferroalloys for electrical steel sheets for EVs, battery materials, etc. We also engage in battery waste recycling businesses, including through an investment in Cirba Solutions LLC., a major materials recycling company in North America that manages battery waste, which has been increasing with the spread of EVs, as well as other initiatives for recycled materials. We will continue our participation in these and other sustainability-related projects, such as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects in Australia, going forward.

  • EV battery recycling is vital to reducing environmental impact and creating greener transport options
    EV battery recycling is vital to reducing environmental impact and creating greener transport options
  • CO2 injection site for CTSCo CCSproject in Queensland, Australia
    CO2injection site for CTSCo CCS project in Queensland, Australia

Promoting the steel products business by leveraging the accumulated strengths of the Marubeni Group

Through investments in Marubeni-Itochu Steel and Marubeni Construction Material Lease, we are promoting steel product-related businesses related to all industries. In collaboration with each of our divisions and Group companies in Japan and overseas, we are working to expand the earnings of the steel products business by leveraging our accumulated strengths.

  • Steel sheets in coil (Marubeni-Itochu Steel)
    Steel sheets in coil (Marubeni-Itochu Steel)
  • Temporary heavy steel construction materials (Marubeni Construction Material Lease)
    Temporary heavy steel construction materials (Marubeni Construction Material Lease)